August 13, 2017 (cycling)
Yountville ride - Colin crash
All was great until Colin fell and busted open his chin
We had a wonderful morning. Gimmi and I biked Mt. Veeder and then down Oakville grade to Yountville to meet up with Maureen and Laura and the kids. They brought their bikes and we started riding back on the bike trail. All was great until Colin fell and busted open his chin. We are not sure exactly what happened (he was ahead of us on the trail... he is fast!) but he said he was scratching his hand because it was itching. We think his front wheel twisted and he went over the handlebars and right into the pavement. Ouch. Maureen was close by in the car and we rushed him to the Urgent Care on Imola where they quickly fixed him up with four stitches. He is doing fine, but there might be a bit of a scar on his chin when this is all said and done. :-(
Please don't click on the pictures of his chin if you are easily grossed out...
Here is the relive video (from strava data)