January 17, 2014 (work)
20 Years at Sapient
This week was my 20 year anniversary at Sapient.  One of my team members, Srimant Dash, made this wonderful picture.
It is hard to imagine the other possible paths my career and life could have taken, but I am very happy I chose this one.  So much growth, friendship, camaraderie, opportunities...
Boston (1994 - 1997)
San Francisco (1997 - 1999)
London (2000)
Munich (2001)
Boston (2002)
Napa (2003 - now)
Progress towards my next goal...
UPDATE (2019): Here is a more advanced version of this graph that I created when I reached that goal!
And here is a 'choice' picture from my first days at Sapient in 1994